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This API allows the creation of orders in the LORI system. Below is the JSON structure for order creation along with descriptions of each field.
Reques Body Example
"createDate": "", // Date when the order is created (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
"externalId": "0000582633", // External identifier for the order (string)
"channel": "marketplace", // The sales channel through which the order was made (string)
"cpfPickUp": "", // CPF (Brazilian ID) of the person picking up the order (string)
"dealerCode": "", // Code of the dealer processing the order (string)
"isDelivery": true, // Indicates if the order is for delivery (boolean)
"status": "", // Current status of the order (integer)
"orderNote": "", // Additional notes about the order (string)
"buyer": {
"fullName": "Silvia Muller Kauffman", // Full name of the buyer (string)
"email": "", // Email address of the buyer (string)
"cpf": "38725567881", // CPF (Brazilian ID) of the buyer (string)
"phoneNumber": "99999999999", // Buyer's phone number (string)
"gender": 0, // Gender of the buyer (0 for male, 1 for female)
"dateOfBirth": null, // Buyer's date of birth (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
"address": {
"street": "Rua Doutor Albuquerque Lins", // Street address of the buyer (string)
"number": "993", // House or building number (string)
"complement": "ap. 111", // Additional address information (string)
"neighborhood": "Santa Cecília", // Buyer's neighborhood (string)
"cep": "01230-001", // Postal code (CEP) of the buyer's address (string)
"city": "São Paulo", // City of the buyer (string)
"state": "SP", // State of the buyer (string)
"reference": null, // Reference point for the address (string)
"label": null // Name or label for the address (e.g., home, work) (string)
"seller": {
"cnpj": "95736210000159", // CNPJ (Brazilian business ID) of the seller (string)
"pointSaleId": "95736210000159" // Point of sale identifier (string)
"freight": {
"deliveryTime": 3, // Estimated delivery time (integer)
"deliveryTimeUnit": "", // Unit for delivery time, e.g., days, hours (string)
"estimateDate": "", // Estimated delivery date (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
"reference": "Motoboy", // Reference for the freight (string)
"description": "Motoboy", // Description of the delivery method (string)
"amount": 0.0 // Cost of freight (float)
"deliveryAddress": {
"street": "Rua Avenida Alameda", // Delivery street address (string)
"number": "100", // Delivery house or building number (string)
"complement": "ap. 111", // Additional delivery address information (string)
"neighborhood": "Santa Cecília", // Delivery neighborhood (string)
"cep": "01230-001", // Postal code (CEP) for delivery (string)
"city": "São Paulo", // Delivery city (string)
"state": "SP", // Delivery state (string)
"latitude": null, // Latitude for geolocation (optional, float)
"longitude": null, // Longitude for geolocation (optional, float)
"reference": null, // Reference point for delivery address (string)
"label": null // Name or label for the delivery address (e.g., home, work) (string)
"paymentInfo": {
"externalTransactionId": "333040819", // External transaction identifier (string)
"nsu": "333040819", // Unique sequence number for transaction (string)
"acquirerApprovalCode": "038893", // Approval code from payment acquirer (string)
"acquirerMessage": "Mastercard", // Message from payment acquirer (string)
"statusMessage": null, // Status message for payment (string)
"feeAmount": 0.0, // Transaction fee amount (float)
"amount": 264.0, // Total payment amount (float)
"quantityInstallments": 2, // Number of installments for payment (integer)
"paymentMethod": {
"type": 1, // Type of payment method (integer)
"info": "Mastercard - **** **** **** 6455", // Information about the payment method (string)
// Credit or Debit Card Information
"cardHolder": null, // Name of the cardholder (string)
"brand": "mastercard", // Card brand (string)
"number": null, // Card number (optional, string)
"finalNumber": "6455", // Last four digits of the card number (string)
"binNumber": "549167", // Bank Identification Number (string)
"expiration": null, // Card expiration date (optional, format: MM/YY)
// Bank Slip Information
"bankCode": null, // Bank code for bank slip (string)
"bankSlipUrl": null, // URL for the bank slip (string)
"bankSlipLine": null, // Line number for bank slip (string)
"bankSlipExpirationDate": null // Expiration date for the bank slip (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
"items": [
"quantity": 1, // Quantity of the item ordered (integer)
"unitPrice": 79.0, // Price per unit of the item (float)
"subTotalAmount": 79.0, // Subtotal amount for this item (unitPrice * quantity) (float)
"discountPrice": 0.0, // Discount applied to this item (float)
"totalAmount": 79.0, // Total amount after discount (subTotalAmount - discountPrice) (float)
"itemNote": "", // Notes about the item (string)
"sku": {
"code": "7721", // SKU code (string)
"auxCode": null, // Auxiliary code (string)
"barcode": "7909300239857", // Barcode of the item (string)
"productCode": "2724", // Product code (string)
"product": {
"unitPrice": 220.00 // Unit price of the product (float)
"isGift": false, // Indicates if the item is a gift (boolean)
"giftMessage": "", // Message for the gift (string)
"coupon": "" // Coupon applied to the item (string)
"discountAmount": 0.0, // Total discount amount applied to the order (float)
"subTotalAmount": 264.0, // Subtotal amount of the order (float)
"freightAmount": 0.0, // Freight amount for the order (float)
"totalAmount": 264.0 // Total order amount including discounts and freight (float)
Field Descriptions
General Order Data
createDate (Date): Date when the order is created.
externalId (String): ID of the order in the sales channel (marketplace or app).
channel (String): Sales channel through which the order was made (e.g., “Marketplace”).
cpfPickUp (String): CPF of the person picking up the order (for “pick up in-store” mode).
dealerCode (String): Code of the dealer processing the order.
isDelivery (Boolean): Indicates if the order is for delivery (“true” for “Home Delivery”, “false” for “Pick Up In Store”).
status (Int): ID of the current status of the order.
orderNote (String): Additional notes about the order.
Consumer Data
buyer (Object): Object containing buyer information.
fullName (String): Full name of the buyer.
email (String): Email address of the buyer.
cpf (String): CPF of the buyer.
phoneNumber (String): Buyer’s phone number.
gender (Integer): Gender of the buyer (0 for male, 1 for female).
dateOfBirth (Date): Buyer’s date of birth.
address (Object): Object containing address details.
street (String): Street address of the buyer.
number (String): House or building number.
complement (String): Additional address information.
neighborhood (String): Buyer’s neighborhood.
cep (String): Postal code (CEP) of the buyer’s address.
city (String): City of the buyer.
state (String): State of the buyer.
reference (String): Reference point for the address.
label (String): Name or label for the address (e.g., home, work).
Seller Data
seller (Object): Object containing seller information.
cnpj (String): CNPJ (Brazilian business ID) of the seller.
pointSaleId (String): Identifier for the point of sale.
Freight Data
freight (Object): Object containing freight information.
deliveryTime (Number): Estimated delivery time in days.
deliveryTimeUnit (String): Unit for delivery time (e.g., days, hours).
estimateDate (Date): Estimated delivery date.
reference (String): Reference for the freight type (e.g., motoboy).
description (String): Description of the delivery method.
amount (Number): Cost of freight.
Delivery Address
deliveryAddress (Object): Object containing delivery address details.
street (String): Delivery street address.
number (String): Delivery house or building number.
complement (String): Additional delivery address information.
neighborhood (String): Delivery neighborhood.
cep (String): Postal code (CEP) for delivery.
city (String): Delivery city.
state (String): Delivery state.
latitude (String): Latitude for geolocation (optional).
longitude (String): Longitude for geolocation (optional).
reference (String): Reference point for delivery address.
label (String): Name or label for the delivery address (e.g., home, work).
Order Items
items (Array): Array of objects, each representing a product in the order.
quantity (Number): Quantity of the item ordered.
unitPrice (Number): Price per unit of the item.
subTotalAmount (Number): Subtotal amount for this item (unitPrice * quantity).
discountPrice (Number): Discount applied to this item.
totalAmount (Number): Total amount after discount (subTotalAmount - discountPrice).
itemNote (String): Notes about the item.
sku (Object): Object containing SKU information.
code (String): SKU code.
auxCode (String): Auxiliary code for the SKU.
barcode (String): Barcode of the item.
productCode (String): Product code.
product (Object): Object containing product details.
unitPrice (Number): Unit price of the product.
isGift (Boolean): Indicates if the item is a gift (true if yes, false otherwise).
giftMessage (String): Message for the gift.
coupon (String): Coupon code applied to the item.
Payment Information
paymentInfo (Object): Object containing payment details.
externalTransactionId (String): External transaction identifier.
nsu (String): Unique sequence number for transaction.
acquirerApprovalCode (String): Approval code from the payment acquirer.
acquirerMessage (String): Message from the payment acquirer.
statusMessage (String): Status message for payment.
feeAmount (Number): Transaction fee amount.
amount (Number): Total payment amount.
quantityInstallments (Number): Number of installments for payment.
paymentMethod (Object): Object containing payment method details.
type (Number): Type of payment method (1 for Credit Card, 2 for Debit Card, 3 for Bank Slip, 4 for Voucher, 5 for Pix).
info (String): Description of the payment method.
Payment Method for Credit and Debit Cards
paymentMethod (Object): Object containing card payment details.
cardHolder (String): Name of the cardholder (optional).
brand (String): Card brand (e.g., Mastercard, Visa).
number (String): Card number (optional).
finalNumber (String): Last four digits of the card number.
binNumber (String): Bank Identification Number (BIN).
expiration (String): Card expiration date (format: MM/YY, optional).
Order Totals
subTotalAmount (Number): Total value of the items in the order before discounts and charges.
freightAmount (Number): Freight charges for the order.
discountAmount (Number): Total discounts applied to the order.
totalAmount (Number): Total amount for the order, including items and freight.
This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the fields required for creating orders through the LORI API. Each field is described in detail, including data types and example values where applicable.