Get Inventory

Returns the inventory of seller, with stock management and organized by products/skus hierarchy.
Pagination params are required.

Fields retrieved:

pageIntNumber of the page searched.
perPageIntNumber of items per page.
maxCountIntTotal of items searched.
maxPageIntTotal number of pages.
productsObject ArrayProduct object array.
idGuidThe object id.
nameStringObject name.
codeStringObject code.
auxCodeStringObject auxiliar code.
referenceCodeStringProduct´s reference code.
sellerIdBooleanIf the product is active or not.
sellerNameBooleanIf the product is available for sale.
sellerDocumentStringSeller´s document (CNPJ).
skuCountIntCount of skus retrieved by the defined filter.
skuMaxCountIntTotal of skus in a product.
imageUrlStringObject image.
skusObject ArrayThe product´s skus objects.
barcodestringSku´s barcode.
quantityIntQuantity of a sku in stock.
statusEnumThe stock object status. (Available, LowOfStock, OutOfStock)
stockQuantityIntTotal quantity of a product in stock.