Notifications API - Overview

Whenever a resource from our database is updated, such as buyer records, consumers of this data may want to be notified of such change. The webhook notification function leverages messaging service technology in order to notify consumers of changes to resources they are subscribed to.

Updating resources from our APIs triggers a messaging service and enqueues notifications to all parties subscribed to that resource type and under the appropriate client ID. For instance, whenever a new buyer record is created for a given client ID, the user registered under that client ID will be notified if they are subscribed to the resource type "Buyer". Subscriptions are defined in the webhook notification settings. As of currently, there is no automatic way of configuring them. Parties interested in subscribing to a resource type should contact our team instead.

The subscriber will be notified whenever the resource type they are subscribed to undergoes any changes. The notifications will be sent through the webhook URI set in the configurations for the pair <client ID, resource type>. As of currently, the only supported resource type is buyer records. Once notified of changes in a buyer record associated with their client ID, the subscriber can then fetch the most recent data of this resource through the buyers section of this API.

Endpoints in this API should be called with an authentication token set in the headers (namely, X-AUTH-TOKEN), which will be used to fetch the appropriate client ID.

Webhook notification configurations

Client IDThe client ID of the subscriber to be notified
Resource type subscriptionThe resource type the subscriber should be notified of whenever any changes occur
Webhook URIThe URI to send a POST request to with the JSON-serialized notification model

Notification message model

idstringA context-specific identifier for the resource changed"ae266595-719d-4bf6-adc1-b63a67e0707e"
resourceTypenumberA positive integer representing the type of record changedOptions: 1 (Buyer)
resourceUpdateTypenumberA positive integer representing the type of change the resource underwentOptions: 1 (Created), 2 (Deleted), 3 (Updated)