get https://{environment}[&includeChildren]
Retrieves a specific Category by its ID.
This action returns a specific category and its childrens if includeChildren parameter is defined as true.
Fields retrieved:
Field | Type | Description |
page | Int | Page number. |
perPage | Int | Number of categories per page. |
maxCount | Int | Total of categories. |
sortField | Int | Fields filter. |
sortAscending | Boolean | Order by ascending (true) or descending (false). |
maxPage | Int | Max number of pages. |
categories | String Array | Categories list. |
parentId | Guid | ID of category parent. |
name | String | Category name. |
code | String | Category code. |
order | Int | Category order. |
url | String | Category address. |
iconUrl | String | Category icon address. |
imageUrl | String | Category image address. |
hexColor | Hexadecimal | Category color. |
description | String | Category description. |
children | String Array | Children categories of a category. |