Create Product

Creates a new product on catalog.

Min request body example:


Max request body example:

    "name": "VIOLÃO",
    "code": "9850233434",
    "url": null,
    "imageUrl": "",
    "hexColor": null,
    "auxCode" : "123456",
    "description": "TESTE DE DADOS INSERIDO<br>\r\[email protected]<br>\r\nR$ <br>\r\nlingÜiça<br>\r\nñao<br>\r\n<img src=\"\" style=\"width:0;height:0;display:none;visibility:hidden;\"><img src=\"\" style=\"width:0;height:0;display:none;visibility:hidden;\">",
    "categories": [
            "id": "5748f4c1-926b-4648-84aa-1be4ae98b06c"
    "images": [
            "order": 0,
            "imageUrl": "",
    "isActive": true

Fields description:

nameStringProduct or category name
codeStringProduct or category code
urlStringProduct address
imageUrlStringProduct or category image address
hexColorHexadecimalProduct color definition
auxcodeStringThe product aux code
descriptionStringThe product description
categoriesArray ObjectThe category that this product belongs to
imagesArray ObjectAn array of images of the product
isActiveBooleanIf the product is active or not
idGuidThe product ID
clientIdStringThe client ID
isDeletedBooleanIf the product is deleted or not
createDateDateThe product creation date
lastUpdateDateThe product last update
parentIDGuidCategory parent ID
childrenArray ObjectCategory childrens array
orderIntThe order where it appears on catalog
iconUrlStringCategory icon address