JUMP TONeomode APIBem-vindo à Neomode!IntroduçãoAutenticaçãopostCatalog Management APIGet Catalog ReportgetCategoriesCreate CategorypostGet CategoryTreegetGet Categories by IdgetGet Categories for AutocompletegetDelete CategorydeletePatch Category OrderpatchReset Category OrderpatchUpdate CategoryputUpsert Batch CategoriesputProductsCreate ProductpostCreate Product ImagepostGet SellergetGet ProductsgetGet Products by IDgetGet Product Available by IDgetGet Product CategoriesgetGet Product ImagesgetDelete ProductsdeleteUpdate ProductputUpdate Product CategoriesputUpdate Product ImagesputUpdate Product CollectionsputUpsert Batch ProductsputSkusCreate SkupostCreate Sku by CodepostGet Sku by IDgetGet Sku by CodegetGet Cosmo Sku by CodegetGet Skus By Product CodegetGet Skus By Product IdgetGet Sku ImagesgetDelete SkudeleteDelete Sku by CodedeleteDelete Sku ImagedeleteUpdate SkuputUpsert Batch SkuputUpsert Sku ImagesputUpsert Sku AttributesputStocksCreate StockpostGet StocksgetGet Stock by IDgetGet Stocks by Sku IDgetDelete StockdeleteDelete Stock FilterdeleteUpdate StockputUpsert Batch StockputPricesCreate PricepostGet PricesgetGet Price by IDgetGet Prices by Product IdgetDelete PricesdeleteDelete Prices by SellerdeleteUpdate PriceputUpsert Batch PricesputCollectionsCreate CollectionpostGet CollectionsgetGet Collection by IdgetGet Collections for AutocompletegetDelete CollectiondeleteUpdate CollectionputCharacteristicsCreate CharacteristicpostGet Characteristics by Product IDgetGet Characteristics by IDgetDelete CharacteristicdeleteUpdate CharacteristicputUpsert Product CharacteristicputInventoryGet InventorygetSellersGet Sellers ListgetPost Create SellerpostPUT Update SellerputFreIGHT APIFreight SimulationpostOrder Management APILori Order Management API - OverviewOrderCreate External OrderpostUpdate Order Status by Guid IdputUpdate ExternalId of an OrderputUpdate SellerOrderId of an OrderputGet Orders of an SellergetGet All OrdersgetGet Order By GuidgetInvoiceUpdate Order Invoice By ExternalIdputDeliveryUpdateDeliveryAddressputUpdate Delivery InformationputUpdate Delivery Information by ExternalIdputLogs and Custom DataUpsertCustomDataInBatchpostDeleteCustomDatadeleteSetActionLogpostLori Store Front APILori Store Front API - OverviewCatálogoCarrinhoConsultar/Criar um CarrinhogetAdicionar Itens ao CarrinhopostRemover Itens do CarrinhodeleteVincular um usuário no carrinhoputVincular informações dinâmicas ao carrinhoputCheckoutAdicionar um CEP no carrinhoputAdicionar localização no carrinhoputConsultar modalidades disponíveisgetAdicionar modalidade no carrinhoputConsultar lojas disponíveisgetAdicionar loja no carrinhoputConsultar FretesgetAdicionar um Frete no CarrinhoputAdicionar CPF para RetiradaputConsultar meios de pagamento disponíveisgetAdicionar meio de pagamento no carrinhoputConsultar parcelamento disponívelgetAdicionar parcelamento no carrinhoputAdicionar CVV no carrinhoputAdicionar um cupom de desconto no carrinhoputRemover cupom de desconto do carrinhodeleteAdicionar um código de vendedor no carrinhoputFinalizar carrinhoputAdicionar EndereçopostAdicionar um Endereço no carrinhoputAutenticação de UsuárioValida se o usuário existe na basepostEnviar SMS Code para o consumidorpostAutenticação do usuáriopostRecuperação de SenhapostCadastrar uma senhapostAtualizar número de TelefonepostCadastrar um novo usuáriopostMeios de Pagamento do UsuárioConsulta os Cartões Cadastrados do UsuáriogetCadastra Cartão do ConsumidorpostConsumidorConsulta Consumidor por IDgetNotifications APINotifications API - OverviewBuyerGet Many PaginatedgetGet by IDgetRetailer Notification Configuration DocumentGet by Client IDgetCreate for Client IDpostUpdate for Client IDpatchDelete for Client IDdeleteCommerce Management API v2Get orders (Paginated)getGet order by IDgetCreate orderpostCreate order invoicespostCreate order trackingspostUpdate order identifierspatchUpdate order statuspatchUpdate payment statuspatchPowered by Consulta Consumidor por IDget https://{environment}.neomode.com.br/sales/buyer/buyers/{buyer_id}